All Abilities Art & Music Program

Learn how this program can unleash creativity for ALL abilities.

Unleashing the Creativity of All Abilities

East End Arts believes that all members of our community should be able to engage in the arts. Current programs include Art Programs/Drum Circles and the EEA Shooting Stars production.

For more information contact Kathleen Dwyer Ruscick at

The EEA Shooting Stars Production

Art & Theatre Workshop with Juliet Lehman and Nancy McSwane – A Partnership with EEDA:

A twelve-week theatre workshop open to students of all ages and abilities. Arts & Crafts, set creation, theatre, music and many more creative and developmentally appropriate activities. There will be a display of the works ending with a performance for each class.

The goal is to bring meaning, nurture friendships, and community connection, develop creative skills, and bring joy to our students and the community. All are welcome with any disability. Autism, CP, MR, visual or hearing impaired. Different classes through out the year.

Our Next Production:

Step into the comedy production where Wilder meets Wild.

Our Cast the Shooting Stars have prepared for months, working on the sets, costumes, music and production of the mixed up classic.

Sit back and enjoy the joy!

Please register to join us – Tickets are FREE:

Drum Circles with Christina Sun:

Drum Circles
Drum Circles
Drum Circles

Art Classes with Eileen Kelly:

Art Classes with Eileen Kelly