Give It Up For The Arts to Raise $90K in 90 Days

Your simple gesture helps us unlock creativity and build community to sustain a world where art continues to shape, challenge, and beautify our lives.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$90,000Raised $0 towards the $90,000 target.$0Raised $0 towards the $90,000 target.0%
Give It Up for the Arts

What Will You Give Up For The Arts?

Welcome to East End Arts’ Give It Up For The Arts fundraiser! We’re calling on YOU to celebrate the arts by giving up something small and donating the saved amount to support our mission. Your coffee purchase, your weekly lunch out, or your movie night – what will you give up for the arts?

Arts enrich our lives daily – from the music streaming through our headphones to the fashion defining our style, to the paintings gracing our walls. They’re a melody in our routine, a color in our world. But, it’s easy to take them for granted. Now, it’s time to give back! Contribute to this fundraiser to show your love for the arts!

Double the Impact!

Thanks to another generous donor, all donations ARE MATCHED! That means your little sacrifice is double the bang for the buck.

Spread the Word!

Let’s make some noise and spread the art-love far and wide! Share your journey using #GiveItUpForTheArts, tag your friends, and let’s see how creative we can get! The more we share, the closer we get to our goal – $90,000 in 90 days!

Celebrate & Showcase:

We’ll feature all donations on our social media to inspire others!

Why Give It Up For The Arts?

East End Arts is dedicated to nurturing and promoting the arts in our community. Give It Up for the Arts – Because every contribution creates an opportunity.